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Preguntas frecuentes

  • Worauf muss ich vor dem Training achten?
    Essen Sie 2 1/2 bis 3 Stunden vorher eine kohlenhydratreiche Mahlzeit. Essen Sie innerhalb von 2 Stunden vor dem Training nichts. Trinken Sie 30 - 45 Minuten vorher mindestens 0,5 Liter stilles Wasser.
  • How long is the result from the EMS Training maintained?
    This of course always depends on the individual case. Because we achieve much more in a shorter time than with conventional fitness train, however, the results will be maintained for a longer time too.
  • Why does one have to train only 2x a week with EMS Training?
    The EMS Training is so intensive that also longer regeneration times should be adhered to.
  • What does the EMS Training feels like?
    During the EMS Training, all skeletal muscles are activated at the same time. In this way, one experiences a very intensive training feeling.
  • Is the EMS Training also recommended for those with big weight problems?
    Yes, of course. The EMS Training is especially recommended when weight problems are of concern as there is no stress on the joints.Due to the high metabolic activity during and still lasting for hours after the EMS training a high work volume is caused and the basal volume increases long-term through a gain of muscle mass. With a parallel proceeding healthy nutrition, weight can be reduced appropriately and sustainably. By a weight and fat diminution it can be noticed that women training with EMS Training also realize a diminution of the girth primarily in the area of the problem zones: Waist, hip and thigh. A tightening of chest and arms can also be carried out.
  • Can the current cause harm to my heart during the EMS Training?
    No. The use of low frequency impulse current is widely used in training and rehabilitation therapy. Muscles are electro chemical organs and need electrical impulses from the central nervous system to contract. EMS technology uses this natural principle but is able to intensify the contraction by applying electrodes directly above the muscle. The heart is embedded in the pericardium which completely isolates it from this form of impulses. Several studies could not detect any harmful effects
  • Can I build as many muscles through the EMS Training as through normal training?
    During EMS Training 90% of all muscles between two electrodes are activated simultaneously with EACH contraction cycle. Compared to conventional weight training, also the deeper muscles are being activated which leads to better intra- and inter muscular coordination. Based on these scientifically proven facts, you achieve highly effective results in a short period of time. Considering the contraction time and -intensity for the trained muscles, the effect of up to 20 minutes training is comparable to several hours of conventional weight training, which in turn means quickly visible and tangible results. Significant changes can be observed already after 8 to 10 EMS Trainings.
  • How many times a week do I have to perform EMS Trainingto build muscles and shape up?
    We recommend 2 training sessions á 21 minutes a week. Thus the pauses are not too long and the body still has enough time to regenerate. Those who are in a hurry can excercise 3 times as well.
  • Does the EMS Training also work if I maintain my eating habits?
    Yes. The EMS Training develops the whole musculature. Therefore the basal metabolic rate increases significantly. This means that you lose weight even with unchanged nutrition.
  • Does the electric current during have side effects?
    No. According to official studies and as per manufacturer information there are no side effects.
  • Can I also perform the EMS Training during pregnancy?
    No. Although until today there are no insights that the training on the EMS Trainingcould harm the unborn child, as a rule no tests are performed on pregnant mothers.
  • Who should not perform EMS Training?
    Next to pregnant women, people with cardiac pacemakers, epilepsy, cancer or thrombosis are not allowed to work out. Moreover, people with multiple sclerosis and acute infections also should not work out.
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